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Other Assets

NI 43-101 Mineral Resources

Juniper Ridge Project, Wyoming
Resource Category Million TonsGrade eU3O8%Attributable U3O8 (M lbs.*)
Indicated mineral resource (non-ISR)5.140.0586.01
Inferred mineral resource (non-ISR)0.110.0850.18
Aladdin Project, Wyoming
Resource Category Million TonsGrade eU3O8%Attributable U3O8 (M lbs.*)
Indicated mineral resource (ISR)0.470.1111.04
Inferred mineral resource (ISR)0.040.1190.10
Centennial Project, Colorado
Resource Category Million TonsGrade eU3O8%Attributable U3O8 (M lbs.*)
Indicated mineral resource (ISR)6.870.09010.37
Inferred mineral resource (ISR)1.360.0902.33
Historic Mineral Resources - Significant Projects
Project Million TonsGrade eU3O8%Attributable U3O8 (M lbs.*)
Nose Rock11.800.14835.00
West Largo2.900.30017.20
Ambrosia Lake 2.000.1767.10
Total Historic Mineral Resources59.30


The Company’s vast data collection includes the Union Carbide worldwide database, the UV Industries database, the W. R. Grace uranium related files, Uranium files from Federal Resources, Ranchers Exploration uranium files (Hecla), Quaterra (Metamin) U.S files, VANE Minerals (US) LLC files, select Atlas files, and a number of private collections and small partial collections from various companies. The most recent additions are the Westerwater Resources database (formerly Uranium Resources Inc.), which includes Mobil Oil, Sante Fe Railroad and Neutron Energy uranium files with emphasis on the South Texas Uranium Belt and the Grants Mineral District of New Mexico.

Group 11 Technologies

Group 11 Technologies Inc. (‘Group 11’) is a private company committed to the development and application of environmentally and socially responsible mineral extraction. Its combination of non-invasive extraction technology and environmentally-friendly liquids to recover gold and other metals provides an alternate solution to conventional open pit and underground mineral extraction.

The goal of advancing sustainable extraction considers growing concerns surrounding water use and discharge, carbon footprint, energy consumption and safety while addressing a growing global need for metals in our daily lives.

Learn More

enCore Energy holds a 40% interest in Group 11. Group 11 is a group of elements in the periodic table, also known as the coinage metals, consisting of copper (Cu), silver (Ag), and gold (Au). They were most likely the first three elements discovered. To learn more about Group 11 please contact info@gr11tech.com.

Nuclear Fuels

Nuclear Fuels is a well-funded early-stage exploration company focused on high-grade heavy rare earth elements (REE) and uranium targets in Labrador Canada, as well as district-scale uranium projects with known current and historical 43-101 ISR (In-Situ Recovery) amenable uranium resources in the United States. The company is led by industry experts with extensive experience and credentials in uranium exploration and development, and all aspects of ISR uranium operations. It holds an option to acquire the LAB Critical Metals property located in Labrador; the largest ISR uranium exploration project in the premiere ISR state: Wyoming, USA and other projects in the United States. In the rising global demand for critical metals development and clean energy, Nuclear Fuels is well positioned to build reliable, domestic, and high-quality uranium and critical metal resources for production.    


  1. NI-43-101 Technical Report, Crownpoint and Hosta Bute Uranium Project, McKinley County, New Mexico, USA completed by BRS Inc. and enCore Energy Corp. (effective February 25, 2022).
  2. Hall, M. Mihalasky, K. Turek, J. Hammarstrom & M. Hannon“Genetic and grade and tonnage models for sandstone-hosted roll-type uranium deposits, Texas Coastal Plain, USA”, published in Ore Geology Reviews 80 (2017).
  3. Mihalsky and S Hall, “Assessment of Undiscovered Sandstone-Hosted Uranium Resources in the Texas Coastal Plain, 2015” U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, ISSN 2327-6916 (print), Fact Sheet 2015-3069, November 2015.
  4. McLemore, Virginia T., Prin. Senior Economic Geologist, “Uranium Resources in New Mexico”, New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources” which incorporates a table entitled: Estimated uranium resources in New Mexico, 2017 (updated from McLemore, et al., 2011, 2013.
  5. Hassan Alief, Technical Report on Section 1, T18N, R12W, Nose Rock Uranium Property, McKinley County, New Mexico, reported an effective February 9, 2009 for Strathmore Minerals Corp.
  6. Behre Dolbear & Company (USA) Inc., 2011, Technical Report on the Nose Rock Project of Uranium Resources Inc., prepared by Robert D. Maxwell, CPG.
  7. Behre Dolbear & Company (USA) Inc., 2011, Technical Report on the West Largo Project of Uranium Resources Inc., prepared by Robert D. Maxwell, CPG.
  8. Conoco Inc., Internal Memorandum, Treeline Uranium Property, McKinley County, New Mexico, 1978.
  9. Behre Dolbear & Company (USA) Inc., 2010, Technical Report on the Ambrosia Lake Project of Uranium Resources Inc., prepared by Robert D. Maxwell, CPG and Bernard J. Guarnera, RPG, CPG. The report references Historic Mineral Resources with sources including:
    1. Sec 27-14N-10W estimated by Capitan, Melvin, Feb 25, 2008, Uranium Resources Inc., “Ore Reserve Calculation Sheet 3, T14N R10W Section 27”, in Maxwell, Robert, CPG and Bernard Guarnera, March 1, 2010, Technical Report on Ambrosia Lake Project, Section 27, et al., Behre Dolbear Report 07-019 .
  10. Wilton, Dean T., CPG, PG, MAIG, Chief Geologist Westwater Resources, 2018, Technical Report on the Ambrosia Lake Uranium Project, McKinley County, USA. This report outlines several Historic Mineral Resources including:
    1. Sec 25-14N-10W estimated by Yancy & Associates, May 1997, Mine Plan – Sections 23 and 25 Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico, for Rio Algom Mining Corporation, Quivira Mining Company
    2. Sec 17-13N-9W estimated by Nelson, Jon, Uranium Resources Inc., January 18, 2008.
    3. Sec 13-13N-9W estimated by Nelson, Jon, Uranium Resources Inc., June 29, 2007.
  11. Juniper Ridge Uranium Project, Carbon County, Wyoming, USA. Amended and Restated NI 43-101 Mineral Resource and Preliminary Economic Assessment, completed by Douglass L. Beahm, P.E., P.G., Principal Engineer, BRS Inc. and Terrance P. (Terry) McNulty. P.E, D.Sc., T.P McNulty and Associates (effective June 9, 2017).
  12. NI 43-101 Preliminary Assessment, Powertech Uranium Corp., Centennial Uranium Project, Weld County, Colorado completed by SRK Consulting (effective June 2, 2010) (“Centennial Technical Report and PEA”).
  13. NI 43-101 Technical Report, Preliminary Economic Assessment. Dewey-Burdock Uranium ISR Project, South Dakota, USA, completed by Woodard & Curran and Rough Stock Mining Services (effective December 3, 2019) (“Dewey Burdock Technical Report and PEA”).
  14. Technical Report on the Aladdin Uranium Project, Cook County, Wyoming, completed by Jerry D.Bush, certified Professional Geologist (effective June 21, 2012).
  15. NI 43-101 Technical Report, Preliminary Economic Assessment, Gas Hills Uranium Project, Fremont and Natrona Counties, Wyoming, USA, completed by WWC Engineering and Rough Stock Mining Services (effective June 28, 2021) (“Gas Hills Technical Report and PEA”).
  16. NI-43-101 Technical Report Summary for the Alta Mesa Uranium Project, Brooks and Jim Hogg Counties, Texas, USA completed by BRS Engineering. (Effective January 19, 2023).